Lesson 01: About this course
Video edition:
- 00:05 - Hi, and welcome
- 00:07 - Welcome to this Prince2 Foundation Course
- 00:10 - My name is Frank Turley and I’m going to be your PRINCE2 trainer for this course
- 00:17 - Now PRINCE2 actually contains a lot of content
- 00:21 - And to go through this content from A to Z is going to make it very hard on you to absorb
- 00:28 - So, we’re not going to do that
- 00:30 - Instead, we’re going to use three iterations and gradually lower you in to PRINCE2
- 00:37 - And the first iteration is a very hi … from a very high level
- 00:42 - And we give you an overall understanding of PRINCE2 and what PRINCE2 is all about
- 00:48 - Then we will use that understanding, add on more information to give you a more solid foundation
- 00:55 - And that’s what we’ll do in level 2
- 00:57 - And then in level 3, we actually go through then all the details of PRINCE2
- 01:04 - So, by the end of the third iteration, you will have a very, very good understanding of PRINCE2
- 01:09 - And you’d have gone over many of the concepts multiple times
- 01:14 - So, your knowledge and your confidence really, really … will be very good
- 01:19 - Now when taking the course, just relax
- 01:22 - Don’t worry about the learning process
- 01:25 - Just enjoy the course and leave the rest up to me
- 01:29 - And don’t rush the course because if you rush the course
- 01:34 - That’s not really good for your brain
- 01:36 - Your brain needs time to absorb the information
- 01:39 - So, it’s a very good idea to put aside let’s say 20 to 30 minutes a day
- 01:44 - And to do this continuously and if you do that
- 01:48 - The learning process will work much better. Okay?
- 01:51 - So, in other words, follow the words slowly and continuously
- 01:58 - Now when also taking the course, do not worry about the exam
- 02:03 - As I said before, it’s my responsibility that you understand PRINCE2 and that you pass the exam
- 02:10 - And from the thousands of people who have taken our PRINCE2 online training
- 02:15 - Very, very few have failed the exam
- 02:17 - And those who actually failed
- 02:19 - Well, just ran through the course very quickly or did not even complete the course at all
- 02:27 - If going through the course you have some questions
- 02:29 - You can write those questions down
- 02:32 - And you’re going to find that the majority of those questions are actually answered
- 02:36 - In the next or the next or the next video
- 02:39 - However, if you have still outstanding questions at the end or you misunderstand something
- 02:44 - Or you don’t a good grasp of something
- 02:46 - You can actually use the coaching button and reach out to me
- 02:50 - And I personally look through all of these questions
- 02:54 - So, I will get back to you
- 02:57 - If you have a technical question, let’s say, about the exam or booking the exam or working with PeopleCert
- 03:03 - Then you can actually contact our support desk because that’s our 24/7 support desk
- 03:08 - So you can use the chat or you can use email to contact them
- 03:12 - And they will give you the answers
- 03:15 - They do this all the time, so the information is also very much up-to-date
- 03:23 - There’s one more thing that you need, though
- 03:25 - To pass the exam or to be confident about passing the exam
- 03:29 - And that’s to be familiar with the style and the approach of the questions
- 03:35 - So, that is why we have created a very good exam simulator for you
- 03:40 - And this creates special exams based on a large pool of questions
- 03:45 - So, it gives you good practice for taking the exam
- 03:48 - And then you can see how you did in the exam and if you got a question wrong
- 03:53 - It actually gives you good feedback so you keep learning as well
- 03:57 - There’s also a coaching button there
- 04:00 - So if you still are not happy with the comment that I gave, you can actually reach out to me
- 04:05 - And I’m happy to give you more feedback
- 04:08 - So, the exam simulator will really make you confident about taking the exam
- 04:13 - Just remember, do not use the exam simulator too quick
- 04:18 - It’s best to follow the complete course first and then use the exam simulator
- 04:23 - So, that’s it for the introduction
- 04:26 - Enjoy the course, I know you will
- 04:29 - And I know you’ll pass the exam
About your trainer, Frank Turley
Frank is on a mission to help aspiring project managers gain practical experience. He does this through his writings, sample projects, tips, and innovative ways of teaching project management.
He’s one of the most influential PRINCE2 trainers in the community, and has helped many learners familiarize themselves with this interesting methodology, and use it to improve their project management systems.
Besides giving training in PRINCE2 and Agile/Scrum, he’s also a contributor to PM² and P3.express.