This demo contains only a few questions to show you how the exam simulator works and its coaching feature is disabled. The full exam simulator contains hundreds of questions.
Note: You will receive this package for free when you buy the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner eLearning Course.
One year access
The PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner exam covers the following categories:
The exam is open-book format (with only the official manual allowed). Therefore, it’s a good idea to obtain a copy of the manual and use it in the exam.
If you use our eLearning course, the exam topics will be covered and no extra study will be required. The manual will be mainly used as a reference during the exam. However, if you’re planning to self-study, the manual would be one of your main resources.
It’s not mandatory, but it’s recommended.
You can use our eLearning course to fully prepare for this exam: PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner
The first lessons are free and you can start taking the course now, even without registering on our website.
After your purchase, we will contact you to confirm your personal information. Then we will register you in the examination institute and send you the exam voucher, using which you can book and take your exam.
When your registration is completed, you will receive full instructions for the exam process. We’re also available if you have any questions.
There are 50 multiple-choice, scenario-based questions with one correct answer for each, and you have 2.5 hours to finish your exam. The passing score is 60%.
The exam is open-book format. (Only the official PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner manual is permitted.)
ISBN: 9780113314676
Please check the Terms and Conditions for more information.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your administrative and technical questions will be answered quickly by the support team, and your questions about the topics will be sent to our trainers.
To contact us, use the online chat service that is available on the bottom of the pages, send us an email to, or call us at +3228080179, +447862148245, or +1845-479-6605.
If you're confused about certification options and how they fit into your career, we can help, and that's not just with our certification programs. You can book a one-on-one session with a certification advisor here:
Management Plaza is a brand name of EMPII Group,
an accredited training organization of PeopleCert, APMG, EXIN, and PM² Group.
There are many eLearning providers, and you might be wondering which one is the best choice for you. In fact, it’s a simple decision: all you have to do is to watch demos of the courses and compare them :) Just be careful with one thing: there are some providers who create one or a few interesting videos as samples, while the rest of the course doesn’t have anything to do with that.
We are a small group of project experts who love creating content and sharing what we have learned with our peers. While this is currently our main job, earning money is not our highest priority; the highest priority is the sense of achievement we get from creating something that can really help people.
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